Monday, December 03, 2007

The Light is Green

It's a multi-entendre.

What we're referring to is the eco-friendly green of solar power, and the financial upside of converting solar energy into money.

And there is at least one more meaning, Solar & Thermal is ready to go! You know, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and all that...

It's also a nudge, to those that might be so inclined. Like when you're sitting at the traffic light as it changes, and the guy in front of you just sits there. Some folks will yell out the window: "It doesn't get any greener!" I'll leave the rest of the traffic analogy up to another poster... Sure sometimes you gotta wait for the crossing traffic to stop... But then the road in front of you is clear, it's time to get going.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Posting I Created

The body of the post