A few weeks ago I was lambasting Mark about another one of his insane rantings. I mentioned that the only reason he has an audience is that Google Alerts scans for new posts with keywords in the title.
Well, my FairTax alert routinely triggers on his insane ravings ( Sorry, I just have to keep calling them that because critical thought seems to have left the man behind).
Today I discovered that he has deleted most of the posts I've made to his blog... That's OK, it's his blog, but what I'm offended by is that he somehow edited & reposted some of my comments using 'anonymous'. I suppose that's why he restricted comments from posting immediately.
I have an idea as to how he's managed to accomplish it. He posts something stupid, and restricts comments by fielding replies which he holds for moderation. Then he switches logins, and reposts the body as his anonymous alter ego... as if someone that crazy needs an alter ego. Then as the 'author' of all the posts, he can alter and edit as he pleases. Not that it makes his writings any less insane. It's obvious his style as 'anonymous' is still crazy old Mark, but we'll let him think he's fooling people.
Sorry for the length, here's the call to action, if you read 'absurdity' and you think Mark is insane, just flag his blog as inappropriate. We can't censor him, but we can shout him down! The only thing that will actually happen is he'll fall off the Google Alerts searches. This way he'll bother fewer people.
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Hey dude. Mind if I do a link-back to this blog? I think the world needs to know just how insane Mark really is. BTW - I think your theory works. I tried searching for Fair Tax Absurdity and it didn't appear in the search! Cool! Keep flagging his blog!
Hey, the only comments I don't accept are those with almost pathologically wacked out insults. Why would I feed the bad dog?
Fairtax has all but vanished as a national issue. And that's a shame -- really it is. Fairtax would have been a great lesson for us all -- I am truly sad that it never got Congressional hearings, and that the leadership suddenly just vanished.
Sure -- you can have a federal sales tax. But its simple math -- to bring in what all these other taxes bring in, you would need at least 64% sales tax rate.
Don't blame me for math. That 64% figure was from US Treasury Dept. Other studies showed pretty much the same thing.
Fairtax only got silly because it pretended to tax things it could not.
The problem is the absurd government spending -- and that's a problem no matter what tax system you have. Fairtax wasn't going to fix that. Well, Fairtax wasn't even going to work, wasn't going to get passed, wasn't even going to have a Congressional hearing, it was so flawed.
Just remember -- the same con artists that tried to sell you that farce -- and they knew it was a farce -- are trying to sell you others. Like why workers should pay all the taxes. As phoney as Fairtax was, it didn't even try that one.
Oh --Google puts my blog first, when you search for fairtax absurdity, naturally. So its real real easy to find.
Hi "anonymous",
Gee you must be 'brave' to post here like that... give me a break.
Of course politicians don't like it... costs them too much power & influence.
It's easy to cite flawed studies 64% is a incorrect calculation that's all it is. The Treasury dept has strange ways of computing all things fiscal... Theit motto should have been:
"Gonna git US some strange!"
FairTax actually taxes very few things as classes. There is nothing else it needs to tax to produce the revenue numbers.
FairTax realizes that government spending is a wash on the revenue side. You just got that plain wrong; hence the clueless comments.
Workers don't pay taxes -- so you're wrong again. The tax they pay is passed on to the *buyer* of whatever they produce as increased cost of labor.
Absurdity hmmm "Ab.." yup that's pretty close to the top of the alphabet, I'll give you that.
The Light is Green!
Like you have ANY idea how the US Treasury come up with 64%.
Riiiight. Uh huh.
Here is what they did. They just figured a tax on things that states usually tax with a sales tax. THats very easy to do. Find out what a state collected in sales tax - at say 8% sales tax -- and multiplied that by about three.
That gives you 23% sales tax. Very easy.
Here is what they DIDN'T do -- an I notice you don't address this. THey did NOT pretend to tax OTHER things -- like rent.
They did NOT pretend to tax the government -- cause they knew that was circular bullship.
They did NOT pretend to tax the poor on their medical care.
They did NOT pretend to tax the nursing home patients, on their nursing home care.
They DID NOT pretend to tax cancer patients for their Chemo.
They DID NOT pretend to tax people the worlds highest sales tax on all these things - and more.
Thats what FAIRtax did -- it pretended to tax people with the world's highest sales tax -- on their RENT. On their FOOD. On their Car insurance, utilities, gasoline.
Fairtax was like some kid pretending to gather a bunch of candy from a candy factory.
Fairtax math only works if you really really believe you can get 800 billion a year or more FROM the government in taxes. And if you REALLY believe you can get 100,000 in sales taxes from the parents of a leukemia victim.
And your little excuse of -- they were paying it anyway -- is wack. They can't possibly pay all those taxes, cause THEY DON'T have the money.
How can someone pay 100,000 in sales taxes, when they only make 30,000?
Fairtax is that flawed, that it pretends absurdities.
And thats why you will never see a Congressional hearing, none of these guys are going to go under oath and try to spew this stuff.
Sure -- Fairtax wouldwork, if it were sane, if it didn't pretend absurdities -- if the government were 1/3 the size it is.
The problem is, spending is just way too nigh to cover with a sales tax.
Pretend all you want, it doesn't change basic math.
Mark, (posting as anonymous on Jul 20, 2008 11:35:00 AM)
Did you know you're really established an identity for yourself? Yup, I was at a meeting and I mentioned this clueless dude... And the person I was talking to interrupted and said: "Yeah. Mark!" and then proceeded yo use a mouthful of choice expletives describing your parentage, education, and psycho-social disease...
Step inside! Hello!
We've the most amazing show
You'll enjoy it all we know
Step inside! Step Inside!
We've got thrills and shocks, supersonic fighting cocks.
Leave your hammers at the box
Come Inside! Come Inside!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Left, behind the bars,
rows of Bishops' heads in jars,
and a bomb inside a car.
Spectacular! Spectacular!
If you follow me
there's a speciality,
some tears for you to see.
Misery, misery,
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Next upon the bill,
in our House of Vaudeville,
We've a stripper in a till.
What a thrill! What a thrill!
And not content with that,
with our hands behind our backs,
We pull Jesus from a hat,
Get into that! Get into that!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
[guitar solo]
Welcome back my friend,
to the show that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside.
There behind the glass,
is a real blade of grass.
Be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!
Come inside the show's about to start; guaranteed to blow your head apart.
Rest assured,
you'll get your money's worth.
The greatest show,
in Heaven, Hell or Earth!
You've got to see the show!
It's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show!
It's rock and roll...
Right before your eyes,
we pull laughter from the skies.
And he laughs until he cries,
then he dies, then he dies.
Come inside.
The show's about to start,
guaranteed to blow your head apart.
You've got to see the show.
It's a dynamo
You've got to see the show.
It's rock and roll...
[musical interlude]
Soon the Gypsy Queen
in a glaze of Vaseline,
will perform on guillotine.
What a scene! What a scene!
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand,
to Alexander's Ragtime Band.
Dixieland, Dixieland.
Roll up!
Roll up!
Roll up!
See the show!
Performing on a stool
we've a sight to make you drool.
Seven virgins and a mule!
Keep it cool. Keep it cool.
We would like it to be known
the exhibits that were shown
were exclusively our own,
All our own. All our own.
Come and see the show!
Come and see the show!
Come and see the show!
See the show!
-- ELP - Karn Evil Number 9
Fairtax realizes taxing the government is "a wash" ?
Hey skippy, why do they still COUNT the money they "collect" as income TO the government? LIke 800 billion dollars from federal, and probably another 800 billion dollars from state and local.
In other words, 1.6 trillion dollars -- over half the money the government needs -- is going to be paid BY the governent.
Oh yeah, its your birthday.
You can put all the other absurdities on hold - they dont matter. Like assuming workers would all take a 30% pay cut. Like the oddity that adding the highest sales tax on earth, will be "a wash" and wont raise prices.
Those don't even matter, cause the 1.6 trillion dollars hole in your budget needs to be fixed first. Since FT is revenue neutral.
So just get the GOVERNMENT to pay over half of its OWN income, GREAT IDEA.
And for your NEXT trick, I assume you are going to make the world spin backwards. Cause you actually have a better chance at that.
Yes -- NOW fairtax admits, years later, that they can't really collect a dime from the government. That took 10 years, and I can take credit for them FINALLY admitting they don't get any money that way.
But for over 10 years, they pretended exactly that-- that they got money that way.
And they STILL pretend that, they STILL have the pretend tax on the governmnet, in Fairtax math.
And funny thing - now that they admit they can't collect the 800 million from the federal government -- they "forgot" to redo their little math thingy wingy.
Gee, I wonder why?
And Neal Boortz book STILL says "the federal government will become a MAJOR taxpayer"
And the tax on the governmnent is STILL the biggest source of revenue to the amazing Kreskin magic of saying you can't get money from the government, but we count 800 billion from the government, anyway.
And why not take away the 800 billion they were going to tax state and local government too?
Oh - and as long as you are being real about it, take away all that money you pretend to tax the fed gov, the state and local gov, the poor, like 100,000 pretend tax you were going to get from leukemia victims.
Now, what tax rate would you have to use, if you took all that pretend tax away?
Hmmmm - about 64%. Strange, thats exactly what the US Treasury said.
The only people on EARTH to ever pretend they could just make the government pay half of its own taxes -- FAIRTAX.
Where in the world does he get this 30% pay cut thing? Nobody anywhere (except the moron) says anything about a 30% pay cut. I guess just chalk it up as another Markism. If he has no argument, then I guess he has to resort to lies and falsehoods. The thing that is shining clear is the fact that he's scared. He feels threatened. Otherwise, why spend so much time blogging about something that is, as he says, an absurdity? If it's dead, why spend so much time running it into the ground? Isn't that just a little overkill?
No, Mark knows that FairTax is gaining ground. It really sends him into some wild, ranting tirades. Nobody really takes him serious. Even people who are against FairTax don't want him around. One imbecile can make your argument look bad even if you're arguing the same side.
And in pure Mark denying the truth style. He didn't notice that when the government buys items under the income tax they are paying the higher price that includes the embedded taxes...
BTW: Thanks for all the links back. I hope I can keep up the attention, but things are happening right now that demand a lot more of my attention. I'm going to keep plugging FairTax whenever possible.
Next time:
Comfortably Numb - by Pink Floyd
Yes -- well all cost are embedded - so what.
Here is a clue. Fairtax pretends to collect over trillion FROM the government.
The federal government -- Boortz writes on page 148 -- "will become a MAJOR taxpayer."
The government can't pay its own taxes -- thats wacked out fantasy absurdity.
Plus -- state and local governemtns would have to pay this same lunatic tax.
How the hell will state and local governments pay this? Where will they get the money to pay about 800 billion in sales taxes?
Remember -- only PEOPLE pay taxes, Fairtax says. Only people.
But somehow, by magic wand, Fairtax pretends GOVERNMENTS pay taxes -- well over a trillion dollars in taxes -- to itself.
Say --how will the government pay those trillions? Do you think they will have to -- oh I don't know -- pass those cost along?
Remember you guys say you can't tax corporations -- cause they just pass those costs along.
But somehow you can tax the government -- without anyone passing those costs along.
Fairtax is a farce for a lot of reasons -- this is just one. But its a huge one. Its by far the biggest absurdity in the "plan"
And here is another thing -- the leaders KNOW its a farce. They aren't stupid. They didn't make a mistake. They counted on fooling people with this BS. And it worked.
They never intended to pass this nonsense, cause they never intended to allow Congressional hearings.
Apparently some guy in Texas gave 20 million dollars to promote this farce, and there were plenty of people willing to take his money and make a web site and spew some nonsense.
IF the plan worked at all --why have the leaders all but vanished?
Sure is strange that Fairtax had 23 million dollars, and all this "research" (the research is a joke) and millions of fans -- but can't get a hearing in Congress.
Fact is, Fairtax wouldnt allow a hearing. They aren't about to go under oath and be subject to intelligent questions.
Its one thing to spew this nonsense to a group of cheering fans who don't know any better. But its another to answer questions under oath from people who can add and subtract.
And that's always been the problem with Fairtax. Not that its a sales tax -- a sales tax would work fine, IF the government were 1/3 the size it is.
Fairtax has had to "fudge" its numbers like crazy. They had to pretend to tax the federal government, and state and local governments. They had to pretend to collect a tax from poor people on everything from rent to cancer surgery.
And the REASON they had to pretend such nonsense was -- without that, they would have to admit the tax rate would be 65% or higher, not 23%.
They knew that was all pretend nonsense.
Thats why you will never see a Congressional hearing on Fairtax. No one is stopping them from having such a hearing. Fairtax itself doesnt want one.
ANd the leaders are trying hard now to distance themselves from this charade.
Give it a rest. In case you haven't figured it out...
No one reads what you post anymore!
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