A few weeks ago I was lambasting Mark about another one of his insane rantings. I mentioned that the only reason he has an audience is that Google Alerts scans for new posts with keywords in the title.
Well, my FairTax alert routinely triggers on his insane ravings ( Sorry, I just have to keep calling them that because critical thought seems to have left the man behind).
Today I discovered that he has deleted most of the posts I've made to his blog... That's OK, it's his blog, but what I'm offended by is that he somehow edited & reposted some of my comments using 'anonymous'. I suppose that's why he restricted comments from posting immediately.
I have an idea as to how he's managed to accomplish it. He posts something stupid, and restricts comments by fielding replies which he holds for moderation. Then he switches logins, and reposts the body as his anonymous alter ego... as if someone that crazy needs an alter ego. Then as the 'author' of all the posts, he can alter and edit as he pleases. Not that it makes his writings any less insane. It's obvious his style as 'anonymous' is still crazy old Mark, but we'll let him think he's fooling people.
Sorry for the length, here's the call to action, if you read 'absurdity' and you think Mark is insane, just flag his blog as inappropriate. We can't censor him, but we can shout him down! The only thing that will actually happen is he'll fall off the Google Alerts searches. This way he'll bother fewer people.