Wednesday, July 09, 2008

With oil >$130/bbl isn't Solar Energy a bargain?

Back in 2001 when oil was $40/bbl, we kept hearing that solar isn't quite cost effective yet. What I learned is that you can never satisfy a financial person. So what are these venture capital people doing with all that $$$? I'll be blunt, I'm still waiting for them to get off their collective asses!

I really can't answer the question I've asked. It simply fails to compute in my meager engineering mind. Will someone please say what the money community is waiting for? I want to provide CSP gensets that will supply electricity for the low fixed price of half of what oil generated electricity costs in fuel. Yet no one is beating down the doors of the alternative energy community.

Perhaps the con men have soured the field so much over the years that the investors are no longer capable of seeing a good deal when it's sitting in front of them? I dunno.

If you're thinking about solar energy in your future, let Solar & Thermal answer your questions. I can only hope that when the answers are given that the potential buyers will do a little homework. I really don't expect people to trust blindly, that's why I encourage scrutiny & dialog.

Once you know the truth, the decision will be easy and obvious. Now get off your ass and ask a question!

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